
Thyme Vest - Flap Pocket Tutorial

Thyme Vest Pocket Flap Tutorial

Supplies Needed:

Complete these steps before step 19 in the Thyme Vest instructions.

Cut out 4 Cargo pocket flaps and 4 Small pocket flaps from main fabric.

Place one main cargo pocket flap on top of another main cargo pocket flap RIGHT sides together. Sew along the sides and bottom edges using a 3/8"(1cm) seam allowance. 
Repeat with the other cargo flap pocket and with the small cargo pockets.
Trim corners, turn right side out, and press well. 

Topstitch around the three sides of the pocket flaps using a 1/8"(.5cm) seam allowance.
Repeat with the three other pocket flaps.
Press well.

If you are using a button closure, mark the buttonholes on your flaps and do them now.

Place your small pocket flap 1/4"(.7cm) above your small pockets. Sew along the bottom edge using a 1/4"(.7cm) seam allowance. 

Fold pocket flap over and sew along the top using a 3/8"(1cm) seam allowance.
Repeat with other small pocket flap.

Place cargo pocket flap 1/4"(.7cm) above your cargo pockets. Sew along the bottom edge using a 1/4"(.7cm) seam allowance.

Fold pocket flap over and sew along the top using a 3/8"(1cm) seam allowance.
Repeat with other cargo pocket flap.

If using buttons, mark where the button will go on cargo and small pockets. Sew buttons on.
If using snaps, mark where the snap will go and put them in place. 
Now sew the rest of your vest together!

*Pictures from Angie Burgett (Thank you so much Angie!!!!)

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